Current Updates & Q/A

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Notes from the Sailor Sun Staff, about the web site and it's updates.

 Guest Book Question : 
Will there be more crossovers in the future (mostly prefer Legend of Zelda)?
- Grunt Hunter Dark Croix

I've never been too big into Zelda. I know Sailor Shadow has a crossover, @

As for the future, I'll keep it in mind when I get back to writing fics.

 Webmaster 8/1/2005

 Guest Book Question : 
Will this site get update by next year?
- Moon Knight

I'll have to say, no... sorry. Been busy with a load of different projects, including a new comic series I've been asked to help with. 

I've also been working out a database system, to help this site work better. 
Hopefully, I'll be able to host the fics already hosted, as well as provide links, a directory and help for Sailor Moon and Unknown senshi off the new system.

I've also signed up a second domain, where the updates are being made. NO more Ads and popups! Yeppie! 
 Finally their is currently a Chat room hosted on 
 Click her to go to it

 Webmaster 8/1/2005

 Guest Book Comment : 
who ever come up with sailor sun is stupid. If I had my own stiyle it would not be this she should have long hair in a ponytail and her hair should be sparkley hair than what someone has. and how did you get that in the coumputer do you have to send a paper in the mail
- Kara

Well, everyone has a right to their opinion. So I'll explain why I mad Sailor Sun like she is.

When I started I set the goal that my Sailor Sun would be the opposite of what everyone expected Sailor Sun to be. (I reviewed a lot of different Sailor Sun fanfiction by other websites at the time (1998)) So I gave her short brown hair, make her a tom boy and did few other things to make her unique. This was the creation of Bay (Sailor Sun)

I did receive a number of comments like yours Kara, so later on I created a second Sailor Sun. This one actually belonging to the senshi power instead of inheriting them (like Bay did). I gave her the expected long blonde hair and many characteristics that people said Sailor Sun should have. I also gave her a few other personality traits and kept with my original goal of making a 'different' kind of senshi. This was the creation of Honey (Sailor Chibi Sun ( Don't let the Chibi fool you, she's 14 years old.)) as the future daughter of Sailor Sun.

How do I get the images into the computer?

First I draw them by hand (I hate color alterations of existing images). 

Then ink in the lines to make them dark. Erase the remaining pencil.

Then I scan it into the computer, usually 300 DPI, and either B/w or greys. (depending on my program and scanner)

I colour them, and finally reduce the size to what I want. (This also helps get rid of some of the errors in the picture

 Webmaster 8/1/2005


Currently working on the Bios page. If you want to see the work in progress, it's here.

Webmaster 16/10/2004

 Guest Book Question : 
So, when are the New Fictions that you promised 2 years ago going to be seen? Is it going to be in the year 2010 or 2007???
- Moon Knight

Good question, (although I little rude). 
The remainder of the Sailor Sun Of the Moon Kingdom Series has already been posted. For a long while, the last few chapters were missing. But their now up. I've also added more fic to the Sailor S series. 

Currently the first Episode of the Honey & Cute series is being written, as well as the Final Episode with Sailor Shadow in it. (This will be different then the Episode on Sailor Shadow's site). As well, a new series is being written by a new writer and one of our older writers, called 'Nagual Knight'. The first couple stories have already been written. They are just being finalized and should be up soon.

I'm a little confused on what fan fic your talking about. Since the SSMK and the Sailor S stories were posted within the past couple months. 

To respond to your concern, I'll put up a Beta Fic page. It will host Stories that are still being written. If anyone is interested in helping with things like Spell Checking and suggestions, you'll be able to mail in the updates or suggestions threw our Webmail or a mail section on the Beta page.

I hope this addresses your concerns.

Fic Manager 12/9/2004


Ok, completed a Web mail page. For those who don't know, the staff at have received a lot of junk and Spam Emails. So instead of posting our Addresses, a web base E-mail form has been installed

Webmaster 8/8/2004

 Guest Book Question : 
Are you making more Crossover with Sailor Sun and Pheniex?
- Moon Knight


he initial stories with Phenoix, in the the early Sun fics, she just kinds of vanishes after Berry and Bay are joined into one body.  But who knows, she might be back in a story or two... I'll have to think about that... If others want Phenoix to return, leave me a message in the guest book, and I'll defiantly look into it.

Fic Manager 7/8/2004

Moon Knight pointed out that chapter 3, in the first story of the Sailor Sun Series  was missing... Fixed it. Enjoy. Thanks Knight.

Fic Manager 30/7/2004

Well, I guess you already know an Update Page has been added.... This way we can tell you about changes that has occurred with the web site.

-Webmaster  25/7/2004

I have found a workable version of Chapter 12 of the 'SSMK' story. I'm currently working on going threw it and correcting a number of minor grammar problems. (Mostly words that are strung together without spaces). 

I've also started the process of putting up rest of the episodes for the 'Sailor S' series so soon episodes 22 to 34 will be up. As well as two episodes of the Sailor Family series will be posted.  By the time of the next update, I hope to have them up. So they might be up now.... go check.

-Fanfic Manager 25/7/2004

Well, it took a while, but I started the updating process and I've decided that whatever I get done, I'll publish after it's done. So this time the visitors to the site will see the updates as they happen. Previously I've sat down, started working on the website redo and before I could get it done, I'd have to go back to work, and then loose, get new ideas, or whatever and I'd end up restarting it the next time I got a chance to work on it.

So please keep in mind that the updates now are just the beinging.

-Webmaster  19/7/2004